I often see these recommend as a silent light tactile switch, and if that's what you're looking for you're may be disappointed. While the downstroke is very muted, the upstroke is not, so you end up with a "thud-snap" with every key press which I found really weird. That said, they are quieter than normal tactile switches so they are still an improvement if you need something for an office environment, just not a true silent switch. I also would not consider these to be a light tactile. It's more of a mid tactile bump, definitely not heavy but certainly noticeable. They feel a lot heavier than the 42g spring weight would suggest, maybe because it's a long spring and the upstroke is very snappy. I found them more tiring to type on than I expected, but I also have weak little lady fingers. All that said, they are very smooth with a satisfying tactile bump and no spring or leaf ping. If you like their unique sound profile then they might just work for you. Far from a bad switch, just potentially misleading.